Useful Tips on Indonesian Translation

Having difficulty with Indonesian translation? What is the correct Indonesian translation for this sentence? How do I translate this sentence into good Indonesian sentence? All these questions might be bothering you for some time yet you can not find the answers to all these questions. If you have difficulties in translating Indonesian sentences into English, or vice versa, I guess it is time for you to get yourself an Indonesian language teacher who can not only teach you how to speak in Indonesian (or Bahasa Indonesia), but also to understand some commonly used phrases used in daily conversation.

However if you need to translate some important documents into Indonesian, it is strongly recommended that you hire a professional, certified, sworn translator. Nowadays it is relatively not too difficult to find a sworn translator, but you still have to make sure the reputation of the translator. Be sure that the sworn translator you hire is really an experienced, professional one. Many people would claim themselves to be professional, sworn translators, yet their work doesn't reflect that at all. So my advice is that you should go to the Indonesian embassy and ask for their reference.

For those who are staying in Indonesia, or plan to visit Indonesia in the near future, it is advised that you learn Indonesian language prior to your coming here, and to continue your learning while you are here.

Indonesian Translation – Tips and Guides

How do I translate Indonesian sentences into English? Is it possible for self learners to do some simple Indonesian translations? Yes, it is possible. All you need to have is a good English-to-Indonesian dictionary, and vice versa. And due to the fact that Indonesian language is one of the easiest languages in the world, you can make some simple Indonesian translations only within minutes by following these simple rules below.

1. The attributive adjective is placed after the word it qualifies.

For example:

Big car Mobil besar
Green House Rumah hijau
Jam mahal Expensive watch


Many books Banyak buku
(a)little sugar Sedikit gula
Five cities Lima kota
All languages Semua bahasa

2. The personal possessive pronoun placed after the noun it qualifies becomes a possessive pronoun.

For example:

My dog Anjing saya
Your friend Teman anda
His language  Bahasanya / bahasa dia

3. "Itu" as an article and a demonstrative pronoun

That dog Anjing itu
This table Meja ini

Therefore if you want to translate this Indonesian sentence into English, it'd go like this:

Another good news about translating English sentences into Indonesian is that there is barely any tenses in Indonesian language. So the sentences of "I bought a car" and "I buy a car" would be "Saya membeli mobil" in Indonesian language. Pretty easy, isn't it?

However there are also some complex Indonesian sentences which require you to learn some in-depth knowledge about Indonesian grammar and phrases. And by joining an Indonesian language course, you should be able to understand the Indonesian language grammar, how to speak in Indonesian language by using the proper grammar and phrases, and of course, last but not least, do some Indonesian translations of your own.

Being one of the easiest languages in the world, Indonesian language can easily be learned and understood only within a relatively short period of time. And with proper knowledge, Indonesian translation should also come easy to you. All you need is your extra time and a good teacher to guide you professionally. Start learning Bahasa Indonesia now!

Sumitted by Jasaritin from Online Indonesian Language Course and Lesson


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