15 thoughts on “Language quiz

  1. I live where this language is spoken. I’ll give the others a chance to guess though, so here’s a clue. It’s an Austronesian language spoken in the South Pacific.

  2. Tahitian?? Interesting to hear the almost Spanish-sounding lilt and frequent use of the alveolar trill.

  3. Boy, I can’t think of any Polynesian language that has that trill or /ð/, let alone both. There are plenty I don’t know anything about, though…

  4. My first impression was of an Australian aboriginal language but pronounced with a non-native accent. But then it seemed to me it might possibly be a Malayo-Polynesian language of eastern Indonesia, where their phonology starts to shade into the open syllables of the Oceanic languages.

    But the trilled [r] and [ð] do sound like this could be Rapa Nui spoken by someone whose first language is Spanish. Only problem is that /d/ is not a typical consonant of any Polynesian language, and a quick look at the Rapa Nui Language entry in Wikipedia confirms that it doesn’t have that sound. So I’m still at a bit of a loss to figure out where this language fits in the grand scheme of things.

  5. My first thought was Tahitian (I don’t know why), but I was struck by the Spanish character, so I agree with those who said Rapa Nui.

  6. I can only figure out this much:
    In the middle of the file he says: “Tu conoveir a una tomata” (You know a tomato). Later he states the same thing about a clown, who is mentioned several times. Noah has a big role in the story, as well.

    Yes, I am joking. But that’s what it sounds like. Honestly, I thought it was Basque.

  7. I have no idea, definitely not one of the most spoken languages, my guess at in is a north African dialect. But it does sound a little Portuguese. But it could be from North Europe as well

  8. Fijian was my second guess after Tahitian because I heard the word ‘levu’, as in the islands Vanua Levu/Viti Levu. Knew I should have submitted this too…!

  9. @Simon, I should add that the sample recording of Fijian (Na vosa vakaviti) on this site really needs an update. It would make anyone familiar with the language cringe.

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