I came across an interesting article today about the Wiradjuri language and how it is being revived. In 1981 only three people spoke Wiradjuri and by 2009 no native speakers remained, however since 1988 the language has been revived, thanks particularly to the efforts of Stan Grant Senior, a Wiradjuri elder, who worked with a linguist called Dr John Rudder to produce a Waridjuri dictionary, which was published in 2005.
Currently 10% of the people in the towns of Parkes and Forbes in New South Wales speak Wiradjuri, and increasing numbers are learning it. It is taught in schools and colleges in these town at all levels to children and young people from all backgrounds.
Attitudes to the Waridjuri people, culture and language have been transformed not just among the children, but also among their parents and others in these towns. No longer do the Aboringial children sit at the back of classes being ignored and/or taunted by the other children, no longer are they ashamed of their language. Instead they have developed a strong sense of identity and self-respect, and are doing well in school. Non-Aboriginal children are also learning and enthusiastic about the Waridjuri language and culture.
It’s great to hear about successful language revival like this that has community support and which is helping to bring a community together.
I love hearing this too. It’s so sad when language dies out. With it goes culture and identity, and stories. This is fabulous! Something communities in North America ought to adopt to revive the dying languages here.
It was interesting to read how teaching Wiradjuri improved Aboriginal kids’ self-esteem, pride, sense of identity and participation in education, while cutting the racism they used to suffer. Just goes to show how languages are so much more than merely a tool for communication.