Radio Lingua

A useful site I found this week is Radio Lingua, which offers podcasts to help you learn Spanish, French and German, or the basics of Polish, Irish, German and Russian in one minute chunks. The one minute podcasts are also available here.

Learning languages a little at a time like this seems to be quite a good way to get started. Most of the language courses I’ve tried tend to throw you straight into quite complex dialogues, which are often about subjects that are of little interest or relevance. However, one of my Irish courses, Irish On Your Own/Now You’re Talking, includes a lot of short dialogues and I found it much more useful.

4 thoughts on “Radio Lingua

  1. I found ‘Now your Talking’ to be a great course. Very useful phrases and vocabulary which you can use almost every day.

  2. The Radio Lingua site lists Italian, along with Spanish, French and German. I might try the Irish, Polish, or Russian One Minute thing. It looks interesting and its free, so why not?

  3. Hehehehehe…

    Forgot to translate (Brazilian Portuguese):

    Oi Simon! Primeiro, sou um fã! Segundo, sou um fã do assunto. Sou do Brasil, morando no Canadá agora, e sua página é minha única referência para todas as línguas.

    Parabéns! Trabalhos como esse são definitivamente o real propósito da internet. Sua paixão sobre ele é contagiante! 🙂

    Obrigado cara!

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