16 thoughts on “Language quiz

  1. The style seems like the one used by the aboriginis of Australia … but the language, sounds a bit like European to me … anyway I’m not experienced with languages of natives of Australia and didn’t hear one before!

  2. That’s throat-singing, though in this example the singer only harmonicizes for a few brief seconds. Perhaps Tuvan.

  3. It’s throat singing from Tuva. The Tuvan language it self is related to the Turkic languages and is mainly spoken in the Russian Republik of Tuva. I think I’ve also recognized the voice of the singer. His name is Kongar-ol Ondar.

  4. I’d say Tuvan, probably the Khoomei (specific) style.

    I’m actually an amateur throatsinger myself. It’s a good clip.


  5. Just a question here … do you guys talk about Tuva the island in the pacific? is it the same as Tuva the russian republic?? or I’m mixing stuff here? (I guess I am!!!)

  6. It is Tuvan, it is Ondar singing in khoomei style… 🙂 Could you make that any easier? 😉

    (Who likes khoomei…)

  7. TJ: You’re thinking Suva, Fiji, aren’t you. There’s also the island country of Tuvalu as well.


  8. The answer is indeed Tuvan, a Turkic language spoken in parts of Siberia, and this is an example of throat singing or xөөмей (khoomei), which is also known as overtone chanting or harmonic singing. This recording comes from a group of Tuvan throat singers called Chirgilchin.

  9. WMP told me it’s a song of a band called Chirgilchin, and Wikipedia told me that the band is Tuvan. So I presume the language is Tuvan 😉

  10. TJ… your website is fantastic. The special effects are a great touch in the letters and numbers section. I also visited your reading of the Babel text. It’s a gorgeous language to listen to, and the writing is equal to the speech. I bookmarked your site on my computer as the detailed grammar and vocabulary pages will take more than a casual visit. SidQra luka

  11. Oh thank you! 🙂 I’m flattered! 🙂

    I will also update Babel page when I have time for this! 🙂

    Mabqúl 🙂

  12. Just for what it’s worth, if old stamps are any indication, Tuvan was at one time written in the traditional Mongolian script.


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