11 thoughts on “Language quiz

  1. some romantic connection we have here ?
    I don’t think it’s italian but it’s close to it to some extent.
    Romanian? ….. or ….. Sicilian?

  2. It’s not Romanian. I think it’s something more closely related to Italian.

  3. I don’t know enough about romanian, but I doubt it’s italian, maybe somewhere close. I’m gonna just guess… hungarian?

  4. Guido got it – it is in the Neapolitan dialect. The song is called Napoli e bello e stinco (Naples is lovely) and the recording comes from this site.

    You can find more songs in Neapolitan dialect here.

  5. the voice sounds quite slavonic, but that may just be the recording. It´s italian, but not standard italian. Unless it is something tricksy like a rived Ligurian…

    some Italian dialect is my guess


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