I can’t decide it it is an African language (the background singing makes me this that as well as some sounds) or an indigenous language from Central America.
Southern Brazil?
Brazil sounds likely to me.
Could it be a Nilo-Saharan language spoken in Chad, Central African Republic or neighboring countries?
The language is Nheengatu (ñe’engatú), a Tupí-Guarani language spoken in Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela.
I can’t decide it it is an African language (the background singing makes me this that as well as some sounds) or an indigenous language from Central America.
Southern Brazil?
Brazil sounds likely to me.
Could it be a Nilo-Saharan language spoken in Chad, Central African Republic or neighboring countries?
The language is Nheengatu (ñe’engatú), a Tupí-Guarani language spoken in Brazil, Colombia and Venezuela.
The recording comes from YouTube