9 thoughts on “Language Quiz

  1. This one’s a toughie. The timbre of the voice makes me think it is Romance ( Sardu?) but there are throaty sounds as well as a sort of click that makes me think otherwise. Thought I heard something that even suggested a Northwest Pacific Amerindian language. but I will go with a type of Romance.

  2. I hear Jesus pronounced as in Spanish, and other sounds (primarily the guttural final) that remind me of Quechua,so I’m going with an Andean language.

  3. This sounds like a Native American language to me. In addition, I think I hear “cruz” (Spanish for cross) and “Jesús” (in Spanish pronunciation). Therefore this language is probably spoken somewhere in Latin America.

  4. I think it is neither Caribbean nor Arawak nor other from South America. It looks like a Mayan language. I have heard words similar or equal to some of these languages such as: Totik or Htotik, with which the Chamula call Jesus Christ. They usually say: Dios-Htotik-Jesucristo, who for the Chamula is another deity of their pantheon. But, of course, this audio would be in apparently Christian Mayas.

  5. I rectify, it is not Mayan. I do not hear ejective consonants. But I can hear many “Welsh ll’s”, and a language with so many ll’s may be the Mataco language also known as Wichi,from Argentina.

  6. The way they’re pronouncing the vowels sounds to me like they speak English as a first language and speak their ancestral language as a second language, so I would like to say it’s a language north of Mexico

  7. I think it’s probably from west of the rocky mountains (specifically California, the Pacific Northwest, or somewhere in western Arizona along the Colorado River), and I think I heard a voiceless labiovelar approximant, so I checked the occurance of that sound, and the only Indigenous languages north of Mexico that have voiceless labiovelar approximants are Na:tinixwe Mixine:whe’ (Hupa), spoken in northwestern California, and wá:šiw ʔítlu (Washo), spoken around dáʔaw (Lake Tahoe) on the California-Nevada state line. I’m fairly confident it’s one of those two

  8. This recording has voiceless alveolar lateral fricatives, which Hupa has but Washo doesn’t, so I’m going to say Hupa

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