According to an article on Science Daily, a good way to remember something you’re learnt is to tell someone else about it, or to test yourself on it.
A study got students to watch films, then asked them to describe what they’d seen afterwards. Those who told someone about the films just after watching them remembered the core and peripheral details, whereas others only remember some of the core details.
I use this technique quite often, without realising it – I like to talk about books I’ve read, films I’ve seen, and events I’ve been to, and find that if I do this not long afterwards, I tend to remember more details, and retain those memories longer.
When learning languages I sometimes test myself on what I’ve learnt, and try to put the words and structures into new sentences to make little conversations. When I try to explain things to other people I find that there are often gaps in my knowledge, maybe because I leave it too long before doing this.
Do you use these techniques at all?
Do they work for you?
I know of a similar technique, the use of the famous rubber duck. But it’s used for thinking, not memorizing.