8 thoughts on “Language quiz

  1. Sounds like a Indian language to me!

    I wonder if you noticed many Spanish and Welsh words to be the same. I’m living in Arizona on the Mexico border and trying to learn as much as I can. Words like write – ysgrifen, prostitue -putain and many others same or similar in both languages. Must be due to the infulence of the Romans and Latin in both countries!!

  2. It sounds very similar to Turkish. The last sentence could be about “what has not come …”.
    Guess it’s Azerbaijani.

  3. It’s Uzbek, meaning “Long time no see” in varying levels of formality.

    But I cheated. I recognized the voice from the phrase page.

  4. Kij … Berlegda!

    I remember this Uzbek phrase from Encarta encyclopedia in its article about Uzbek 🙂 ………. hehe forgot the meaning any help??

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