12 thoughts on “Language quiz

  1. It sounds like an archaic dialect of Arabic, or a language heavily influenced by it. Mehri, maybe?

  2. @lukas: there are some Arabic-like words. I could figure out words like “hizb” (political party) and other things related to military or something. I guess it is a news broadcast. And I’m guessing Somali because I heard him say “Maqdisho”.

  3. I thought it was probably Somali (because of the mention of Mogadiscio near the end). However, I was surprised at how many individual words sounded vaguely Spanish

  4. it sounds rather strange to be a news broadcast, I don’t know maybe the intonation patterns are part of the language…

  5. Based on the intonation, I assumed it was some sort of political or religious broadcast. My guess had been something in the Turkic family, but I like TJ’s suggestion of Somali.

  6. Somali? Sounds like but isn’t quite Arabic …. I think I heard Mogadishu.

  7. It differentiates between long and short vowels, which Somali does, but other languages from the Cushitic family also do. After comparing with the older Somali quiz
    I think it isn’t totally the same, so I would guess it is, for example, Oromo.

  8. All expenses paid holiday in Muqdiisho?
    Or… hmmm….

  9. LOL in a seocond thought… I think I will get myself busy in this boring office for the time being…

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