Smilin like a bylt haddie

I hope you’ll be sae cantie as a sou amang glaur (as happy as a pig in the mud) with today’s selection of Scots idioms, which I found on Wir Ain Lied, An Innin tae Modern Scots (An Introduction to Modern Scots). As you may have noticed, A hae an ee til (I have a liking for) idioms, and I hope you’ll be smilin like a bylt haddie (smiling like a boiled haddock) at some of the idioms here.

So tak tent (pay attention) but ye needna fash yer thoum (you needn’t worry) about understanding them as I’ll provide translations. So let’s get on wi the crack (get on with the conversation) and make sure we don’t spik pan loaf (speak with an affected English accent). If you’re short o the Greek (stuck for words) don’t tyne the heid (lose your temper), but why not birl the wulkies (turn somersault)? So let’s caw cannie (proceed carefully) or somebody might cowp wir hurl (upset our plans). Mony wirds, muckle drouth (much talking makes one thirsty), so maybe it’s time to cock the wee finger (have a tipple/drink) but be sure you don’t droun the miller (put too much water in the whisky). That’s quite eneuch (enough) for now, I think.

You can hear recordings of some of these idioms here.

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