Multilingual conversations

A multilingual (French/Welsh/English) conversation

At the French conversation group I go to most weeks we usually stick to French most of the time, however when the leader of the group isn’t there or leaves early, as she did last week and the week before, we often switch to English and/or Welsh. Most members of the group speak Welsh, as well as English and French, so we quite often have trilingual conversations mixing all three languages in a wonderful way. I really enjoy such conversations, and it feels great being able to understand and use these languages in this way.

With other friends I may have one, two, or more languages in common, but it’s relatively unusual for a group people to have three or more languages in common, like in the French group.

Do you know groups of people with whom you can have multilingual conversations?

In how many different languages are your multilingual conversations?

3 thoughts on “Multilingual conversations

  1. Indonesia was recently ranked as the the world’s most trilingual country in an analysis of a cellphone text app usage. Combinations such as Javanese-Indonesian-English are very common, and really fascinating to listen to even if I get only the latter two components.

  2. No groups, but one room-mate. Native English speakers, with smatterings of German, Russian, and French. можно commencer auf Russiche, et après ça он сказат n’import quoi auf die erste Sprache он хочет.

    Three or four sentences like that and we had to stop.

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