8 thoughts on “Language quiz

  1. That’s a tough one.
    Got the impression that it’s a non-Bantu language of West or Central Africa.
    And the only instance of a nasal vowel, in a word which sounds like “également”, makes me think that the language is spoken in a region that used to be a French colony, i.e. Togo, Cameroon and the like.
    Too bad that I won’t get nearer than that.

  2. I have roughly the same impression as Daydreamer and was going to suggest some non-Bantu Niger-Congo language, but since I didn’t detect a single loanword, I decided to move away from the coasts. But time is passing and I have to make a guess. Some Ubangi variety? Yakoma?

  3. I recon it’s Bantu and south central African. The french influence could be Belgian. Something spoken in Katanga province perhaps? Kiluba?

  4. This sounds like one of the Shona dialects (which one, I don’t know) or at the least a neighbouring language — either of central Mozambique, aouthwestern Zambia, or even possibly Venda of far northern South Africa.

  5. Ouch. And my wife said “the east coast of Africa, not very far from Swahili”. I’ll have to start listening to her. I think she said that, too, once.

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