
Lingosmile is a new wiki-style site I heard about recently which aims to provide a free and easy way to produce translations collaboratively. The idea is that anybody can join in and translate material into their language, edit existing translations and/or add recordings. Translations on the site are divided in sections such as language learning, sciences, art & culture, fiction, song lyrics and so on, and anyone can start a new project within these sections.

The site is still in beta and I don’t think it’s been officially launched yet, but it looks like it has potential to become a useful language learning resource.

5 thoughts on “Lingosmile

  1. I tried to sign up but it wants a beta key… and without one I can’t see anything on the site! :/

  2. Thanks, that sound really interesting. I was just talking about the Google translation engine the other day and how it has one feature that Babelfish does not have – that users can suggest a better translation. Particulrly for idioms that will really improve Google translations over time. It sounds like this project has the same kind of collaborative idea, I am looking forward to checking out when it goes live.

  3. I was sent a beta key by one of the authors of Lingosmile. I doubt if he’d want me to make it public, but if you email me, I’ll share it with you.

  4. Hi all,

    Thank you Simon for kind words! If anyone wants a key, email me at nick at lingosmile and I’ll send you one.



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