22 thoughts on “Name the language

  1. Arabic would be too easy, wouldn’t it? And it’s definitely not
    I’d favor one of the Caucasian languages – such as Lesgi or Lak.

  2. Certainly sounds Semitic, but as said, it’s definitely not Hebrew or Arabic…. Somali, then?


  3. well let’s see if this hint helps …. although I would say it helps “a lot” 🙂

    it is a mix of Arabic, Hebrew and Aramaic! 🙂

  4. Second attempt:
    Is it the (unnamed) language of the population of the village of Ma’lula in Syria?
    If not, what about Aisor?

  5. Daydreamer: in fact the language of Ma’lula is not unnamed. Their language is Syriac (a branch of Aramaic) which Jesus spoke as well. I think it went under some modifications for living among romans and other civilizations but the essence is still the same I believe! 🙂

  6. AR is right – it is Ayvarith, TJ’s constructed language.

    The sentence is an Irish proverb that means “Men are like bagpipes: no sound comes from them till they’re full”

  7. Hehe, I was actually thinking the same, even before anyone replied. But as I already know some of the language it wouldn’t be fair to answer.

  8. Do conlangs count for these “Name the Language” puzzles? Only more or less established ones, perhaps? How about those from Ill Bethisad?
    [ Simon, I bet you know what I may be thinkng… ] 😉

  9. Ronald – conlangs can be used for language puzzles. Instead of asking people to name the language, I could see if they can work out which language(s) the conlang is based on.

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