12 thoughts on “Language quiz

  1. Is it a fragment of a letter from Vindolanda by any chance? In which case it would be in Latin.

  2. I say Latin- I’ve seen something like this before somehow associated with the Romans, but I can’t remember how.

  3. I doubt that it was Hindi. That looks more like papyrus that it’s written on, and so should be a Mediterranean language.

    Yeah, definitely papyrus.

  4. It looks semitic: I can see letters which look like a Lamek and a peh, but it´s not a semitic script I know and I would say that it is written L-R and not R-L – look at the slant of the letters and the direction of the weight of the pen in the cross strokes. So I don´t think semitic.

    but something old from the papyrus it´s written on. It´s also not greek. Stumped. Something old that is not semitic or greek.

    OK I looked. Latin? Well I supose it is ancient and non-semitic


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