Here’s a recording in a mystery language.
Do you know or can you guess the language?
I don’t know if this language is always spoken this fast, but this is one of the few recordings I can find in it.
Here’s a recording in a mystery language.
Do you know or can you guess the language?
I don’t know if this language is always spoken this fast, but this is one of the few recordings I can find in it.
Well, it IS fast! from the timbre of the voice and some of the sounds I think it is from Africa and might be Bantu but it is so rapidly spoken that I can’t hear much of anything that is said! My only guess.
For very much the same reason I consider a Papuan language as the prime suspect.
The “mystery writing system” is Tai Laing.
It is indeed, Emanuel.
The language is Kadugli (Katcha dilaect), a Central Kadu language spoken in the Kordofan Region of Sudan.
The recording comes from YouTube