7 thoughts on “Language quiz

  1. I heard the same Brazilian/Portugese influence, and made a wild guess of something Amerindian spoken near the Amazon.

  2. Are you sure ? It doesn’t sound at all like a Khoe language. There are no clicks.

  3. Whoa, not what I was expecting… but of course after the fact, now I understand why there are so many uvular sounds in there, since those are common to both Bantu and non-Bantu languages of southern Africa. But yah, no (obvious) clicks in this sound file!

    I listened to the whole sound file on the GRN site and there are some scattered dental clicks in the rest of the file. Apparently (from what Wikipedia says) the clicks are starting to all merge to the dental place, and are overall becoming less and less common, so we just got a (mostly?) click-free segment by chance.

    These shifts are likely due to bilingualism in Bantu languages like (se)Tswana, which has no clicks outside ideophones. Confusingly, the GRN calls this language “Tswana/Hietshware”, but with the language code for Tshwa/Tsoa, not of the Bantu language (se)Tswana.

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