7 thoughts on “Brooch puzzle

  1. Yes, I’d agree that it says שלום (shalom), which is Hebrew for peace (although that’s something of an under-translation, I gather). That would certainly fit with the Biblical imagery of the doves and olive branch (from the story of Noah in Genesis 8).

  2. It’s shalom (שלום), which means peace (in both a literal and wider sense), but also in the sense of tranquility and harmony. The first letter, shin, seems to be in an oldish style for it. The doves and olive branch are both symbols for it, as well as a symbol for eventual stability and peace.

  3. Agreed, it’s Hebrew, and reads shalom, but it took a minute to recognize the lamed.

  4. Funny. I’m French and I saw the birds before seeing the text, and when I actually noticed the text I immediately read it as “oizo”, a phonetic spelling of “oiseau”. No matter how much I try to see Hebrew letters, I can’t make “oizo” disappear.

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