9 thoughts on “Name the language

  1. Hugo and Podolsky got it – it is indeed Romansch/Rumantsch/Romansh (how ever you spell it!).

    The recording comes from a page called ‘Little islands of Romansh‘, which features lots of interesting information about the language, and a number of audio recordings and videos of people speaking it.

  2. argh. i hate being late to check when there is a puzzle on the blog. i knew it was romance.

  3. You gave too many clues! I knew it was Rumantsch before even listening to it! Well, I was 95% sure, anyway. This is awesome though, I had been wanting to hear what this language sounded like for a long time but couldn’t find any resources online the last time I looked.
    Yay for small languages!

  4. I had no idea what language it was, but it sounded almost Arabic to me 🙂 It certainly was lovely!

    It’s too bad there aren’t more resources for small languages online…

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