10 thoughts on “Language quiz

  1. I’d rather be surprised, if it were not a Niger-Congo language, spoken in Central or West Africa.

  2. Funny, but the rather uncommon consonant cluster “kr” brings the name of the great politician Kwame Nkrumah to my mind.
    So, if I have to narrow my choice, I narrow it geographically to Ghana and linguistically to the Kwa branch of the Niger-Congo languages.
    But then, I’m lost.

  3. Then, it should to be the Gur branch. What about Frafra, otherwise known as Gurenne?

  4. Ok, Simon, you’ve won again. But, believe me, it’s really hard to guess a language that you haven’t even heard the name of.
    So give us another chance next Sunday.

  5. I’m always amazed when anyone gets the language, or gets close, especially the really obscure languages. If I didn’t know the answers I would find it difficult to work them out or guess them.

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